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Our MTTC Preparation Courses ​


MTTC Prep Tutors provides the most comprehensive courses related to MTTC in the industry. Our organization has spent numerous hours developing and constantly updating courses to ensure that all students are exposed to the most recent information seen on the exam. Working with the MTTC exams nearly every day, our team has gained good experiences of how exam questions are written and how content is delivered. As educators and having spent our lives with MTTC, we have a deeper commitment to our students to ensuring they are successful. This unparalleled commitment is demonstrated in the numerous benefits and features included in our courses.


How we developed our MTTC exam courses?


MTTC Prep Tutors has many years of experience with MTTC exams and the changes that are implemented. With years of tutoring, we have gained extensive knowledge on how the exams are developed. Our organization took a systematic approach to developing effective courses for the updated MTTC exams.


  • We reviewed the standards, domains, competencies, and organized content that directly focuses on the MTTC exams.


  • We have exam questions with two close answers, but really only true right answer.


  • Many of the exam questions on the updated MTTC will be very wordy (paragraph types) questions. We have done the research to provide support related to these exam questions to what is resembled on the official exam.


Why Complete Our Test Prep Courses?


MTTC Prep Tutors provides test prep courses that are fully developed and aligned with the test objectives. The courses are focused on students' needs with the following additional benefits:


  • Tutoring sessions are based on students’ schedule


  • Real exam content and exam questions


  • Personal tutors to support you in your journey to passing MTTC


  • Research base test-taking tips


  • Diagnostic assessment session and study guide plan​


  • Email tutoring support


  • Dedicated tutors who work to ensure your understanding


  • And Much More!!!


What is included in our courses?


Our tutoring program provides classes that cover everything an individual needs to pass the MTTC. The following are included in the MTTC course:


  • Diagnostic Test/Assessment Session


  • In-Class Quizzes


  • Progress Reports


  • Sessions With Practice Questions​


  • Homework Assignments


  • Content Aligned to the Exam


  • Email Tutoring


  • Course Syllabus/Curriculum Based on Diagnostic Test


  • Similar Exam Questions


  • Weekly Online Chat Tutoring Sessions


What strategies are covered in the course?


Our tutoring courses include strategies that are found nowhere else. During the tutoring course, the tutors will engage in different strategies to approach different types of questions. Many of these strategies are not found in other books or test preparation courses. These strategies were developed based on over 10 years of supporting students with the MTTC Exam. Some of the strategies discussed in the course include:


  • Study Strategies


  • Test Taking Strategies


  • Reducing Anxiety Strategies


  • Guessing Strategies


  • Strategies To Decide Between Two Answers


  • Strategies for Dissecting Questions


  • Calculation Approach (if applicable)

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